
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

China's National Day: October 1, 2016, in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang

October 1 was the celebration for the founding of the People's Republic of China and the beginning of a Golden Week holiday during which nearly 600 million people are expected to travel in China. I have spent the holiday in Mudanjiang — a city in China's most northeastern province. During the afternoon of October 1, I walked around a central commercial area including a pedestrian street and Culture Square, where I had already seen Chinese flags displayed for the holiday.

Some people carried a Chinese flag.

man with girl holding a Chinese national flag in Mudanjiang, China

Some people sold Chinese flags.

woman selling PRC flags in Mudanjiang, China

Some streets were filled with vehicles.

traffic on Taiping Road in  in Mudanjiang, China

Some streets were filled with pedestrians.

people walking on a pedestrian street in Mudanjiang, China

Some people carried a child.

man carrying a boy past street vendors in Mudanjiang, China

Some people carried a dog.

young woman carrying a poodle across a street intersection in Mudanjiang, China

Some people carried a bear's head.

young woman carrying a bear mascot head past a three-wheeled vehicle in Mudanjiang, China

Some people sang and played.

man signing and playing guitar at Culture Square in Mudanjiang, China

Some people sang and danced.

Adults clapping for a toddler singing and dancing at Culture Square in Mudanjiang, China

Some people checked their phone.

young woman wearing a bridal gown and using a mobile phone in Mudanjiang, China

Some people took a drive.

boy driving an electric kiddie car with a PRC flag in Mudanjiang, China

And, of course, some stores had a sale.

National Day "sale" signs in Mudanjiang, China

In many ways what I saw was indistinguishable from other days I have spent Mudanjiang. For this reason, the day unexpectedly and somewhat ironically reminded me of another day in another Chinese city. The crowds did feel larger, though nothing like what is seen in more popular destinations. I don't expect that much will be different here in another week or two, except that there won't be so many flags.

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