
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Two More Drained Lakes in Hengyang, Hunan

Within walking distance of the drained lake in Hengyang which once had several sunken pedal boats (and may again in the near future) are two other lakes, both artificial, which were also missing much of their water when I recently passed by.

One day at Yueping Park, workers weren't hard to spot at partially-drained Yunshui Lake.

workers at the bottom of partially-drained Yunshui Lake (云水湖) in Yueping Park (岳屏公园) in Hengyang

I also saw Lotus Lake at Lianhu Square had been drained.

drained lake at Lianhu Square (莲湖广场) in Hengyang

Once again, people were at work.

man walking in drained lake at Lianhu Square (莲湖广场) in Hengyang

workers in drained lake at Lianhu Square (莲湖广场) in Hengyang

And there was even a stranded pedal boat.

pedal boat in drained lake at Lianhu Square (莲湖广场) in Hengyang

I don't know the boat's condition before the lake was drained, but its location is curious.

Together, the three lakes represent some of the infrastructure work ongoing in Hengyang. More of that work, but not involving any lakes, later . . .

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