
Friday, January 13, 2023

A "Do Not" Sign Amidst Frolicking Night Cats in Tainan

To continue the "sign in Tainan" theme, here is another I saw in the Taiwanese city:

sign with red "do not" circle and slash with a cat inside and "請勿攀爬"

The graphics could easily be interpreted to be expressing a "no cats allowed" message. However, the Chinese "請勿攀爬" makes it clear that instead the sign is there to express that climbing is forbidden. Here's a photo including the sign with more context around it:

display board on a wall depicting cats

A sign below identifies the area as the "Adorable Cat Lights District" (萌貓燈區) and mentions a "wicked cat night trip" (妖貓夜遊) — clearly all in fun. Unfortunately, I don't appear to have any photos of these scene at night nor do I recall seeing it then, so we'll just have to use our imagination for what that would be like.

More soon which will provide additional context for the previous sign. While the warning to bikers about falling into the canal may not have been needed, it certainly was a location with many bikers.

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