
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Christianity and Churches in China

Today in Beijing, police detained Chinese Christians who were praying in a public plaza. 

While providing updates via Twitter, Louisa Lim, an NPR Beijing correspondent, sent a tweet capturing the feelings of some of those who were involved:
"I'm not scared" one Christian said before outdoor prayers. Those I saw didn't waver in their hymns, as police w walkie-talkies surrounded.

It is yet another facet of the growing number of people being detained or disappearing in China in an apparent recent crackdown.

I'll take this moment to share a little of what I've seen regarding Christianity in China.  It was never a focus of any of the research I've done. However, over time I've noticed Christianity in a variety of contexts.

Even when interviewing participants for research studies to design better technological services and products for Chinese consumers, I've come across religion - whether seeing a Bible on a person's table or someone telling me how they communicated their religious beliefs (some of my previous research in China was for mobile social networking services).

Any church services I have happened to observe were in Chinese.  This sign helps give a sense of the proportion of Chinese vs English services in a city with a relatively large number of foreigners not fluent in Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin are both Chinese dialects):

sign showing schedule of church services and events with only a few being in English
Sign outside church in Guangzhou

There were other instances of Christianity being openly displayed.  For example, when I was exploring several old villages in Yantou, Zhejiang, I came across this funeral procession:

While appearing traditionally Chinese in many ways, a closer look showed a strong Christian influence:

flags carried in funeral procession with a Christian cross
Flags with Christian cross

some people wear hats with Christian crosses
Hats with Christian cross

The Christian funeral procession was parading through some very public streets and squares.  It was not particularly surprising to see that Yantou had at least 2 larger churches.

One of Yantou's churches

After seeing the procession, I had an interesting conversation with this local shop owner:

lady with young child in a small convenience store

She commented that the older people in the town believe in Buddha while the younger people "believe in science".  However, she had no idea how to characterize those who believe in Jesus.

While religious expression is tightly controlled in China, the visibility of Christian beliefs is one of the many things I was surprised to discover as I've conducted research across China.  While walking in several Chinese cities I've even seen people actively encouraging others passing by their church to come in to participate or watch.  It will be fascinating to see what impact religion plays in China's future.

Below are photos of various churches I've seen across China during the past year or so.  Many of them are in cities not familiar to those outside China.  This is not intended to be representative in any way -- it's just what I've happened to see.  To the best of my knowledge all of the following churches are "alive" in some manner.  I've seen others that are now museums or relics.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Best Belt Buckle on a Waiter in China

The post title says it all...

Chinese waiter in formal attire with a large yellow happy face belt buckle

Revel in the happiness.

Opportunistic Research for Designing Technology in China: Teddy Bears and KFC

In my previous post, I shared what I learned from a discussion with a policemen while I was detained in China.  Though the events of that day gave me much to worry about at the time, it proved to be a fascinating opportunity to gain further insights about China.

I'd like to use that unusual example of opportunistic research to jump into sharing more about how I do research in China using wide range of methods to guide the design of technology that is useful, usable, and desirable.

For today, I'll describe another instance of opportunistic research that occurred while I was headed to a restaurant in a central shopping district in Kunming, Yunnan.  On the way I saw this Chinese girl:

girl hold stuffed bear appearing to look at a KFC

Was she gazing longingly at KFC -- a very popular restaurant in China?  No.  In fact, she was looking at something else:

girl looking a video display above a KFC

Above the KFC was a large video screen.  The above photo captures a moment when a Papa John's advertisement was being displayed.

The intersection of "East meets West" and advertising piqued my interest (as did the teddy bear she was carrying).  Food could wait and I approached the girl to hopefully speak with her:

close up of the girl with her stuffed bear

Fortunately, the girl was open to speaking about a variety of issues.  Some of the details I learned were that she was:
  • waiting for her sister to go to dinner
  • not interested in KFC because she felt it was "unhealthy"
  • holding a big bear because her friend had given it to her that day for her recent birthday
  • using a piece of technology she really liked that had been given to her by her mother:

Girl's iPod shuffle

Most importantly, in a relatively short amount of time I gained insights into the girl's:
  • perception of brands and fake products
  • technology usage
  • aspirations
  • social relationships
  • and more
Relevant knowledge in all of these areas can be key to the successful design and marketing of a variety of technologies.

Also, while what I learned could be a valuable research contribution for a new technological product or service, I didn't approach the girl because I saw her using technology nor were many of the questions specifically about technology.  Sometimes, ignoring technology can provide the biggest insights for designing and marketing technology.  I'll expand on this thought in later posts.

I will also later share other research experiences, the particular challenges I have faced conducting research in China, what some of the findings suggest for design, and more.

And no, I wasn't headed to KFC for lunch.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Detained in China: My Chance to Hear a Policeman's Views on Revolution and More

The recent increase of people in China being mysteriously detained is deeply worrisome.  A relatively up-to-date review of the situation can be found here.

This brings to mind my own experience of being detained last fall for several hours in a city in northern China.  I don't want to make a big deal about the detention itself or directly compare it to current events.  While it was a rather stressful and worrisome experience that could have easily escalated further, it certainly was many levels of magnitude tamer than what many detained Chinese are presumably experiencing at this very moment.

What I most want to share now is from a conversation I had when I was alone with one of the more sympathetic police officers (at one point 5 officers were involved) while his partner conferred on the phone with her superior.  Given my experience interviewing numerous people under a variety of conditions in China, I felt reasonably confident that I was not being played in a "good cop, bad cop" scenario and that the police man's comments during that period of time were genuine.  Since the Chinese Government apparently has significant problems in understanding how to best deal with the perceptions of foreigners, it would be surprising to me if a 2nd tier city policeman who had never left China could have been so savvy.

While some of the young man's views may not be representative of the majority of police officers it was nonetheless fascinating to hear them voiced by one.  During the conversation several themes came up that I've noticed in numerous conversations I've had with younger Chinese across China.  They include:

China's "face" can be an overriding concern.
For example, he felt that the housing situation in China was unfair to many people and he hoped for change.  However, he didn't want the foreign press to report on it because he felt it would reflect poorly on his country.

Anything the US Government wants is bad for China.
Whether it was the US Government's stance on the exchange rate for Chinese currency or the reporting on China by the US media (which he viewed as an extension of the US Government), he assumed that for any disagreement between the US and Chinese governments whatever the US advocated must be detrimental to China.  I have previously noted that assumptions regarding the US Government's intents and who it controls played key a role in students' perception of Google last year after a speech by Hillary Clinton and exploited in a recent piece in China accusing Google of "meddling" in Egypt.

China remains far behind the US.
The idea that China is about to surpass the US was laughable to him.  For example, he said, "China only makes cheap stuff.  America makes more important things."

There is an unfair spread of wealth in China.
He said that "80% of the money in China is held by very few" and that the poorer people were very upset and could become "emotional" about the current disparity of wealth in China.

The magic number for improvement is 20 years.
He believes the Chinese Government has many problems and that it will need to change or the people will revolt.  However, he also believes there is a 20 year window before any revolt would be inevitable.  The 20 year figure is one I've commonly heard from people across China.  I have wondered if it in part reflects a desire to avoid feeling they need to personally do anything about the problems they perceive and/or effective "communication" by the Chinese Government to help reduce the number of calls for immediate change.

He was also eager to hear my viewpoints on several topics and it proved a useful opportunity to explore some ideas I had about how foreigners (whether individuals, companies, or governments) can best express their viewpoints in China --  something I plan to post more about later.   There was only one topic we discussed that he was not open to reconsidering --  in his eyes Japanese were categorically "bad".

While I certainly hope I never again face being detained (at any level) in China, I am glad I had this opportunity to have such an open conversation with a police officer.  For me, it also reflected one of my strategies I've often employed while conducting exploratory research in China -- be opportunistic. 

Finally, there were some comments he made that may not have been easily categorized into some of the themes that came out of any of my prior research but were particularly telling.

At one point he said that the police were on "the side of the people" while the military was "on the side of the Chinese Government" -- a striking dichotomy for him to explicitly state.  It also proved relevant to understanding his answer to a later question.  After saying he expected the people to revolt within 20 years if the government didn't make significant changes I asked him, "If there is a revolt against the Government by the people, what will you do?"

He sat pensively for several seconds.  He looked off in the distance and said, "I'm not sure which side I would take."

He then paused before directly looking at me and adding, "But my job is to protect the people."

Horse Cart in Xizhou, Yunnan

I'd like to add yet another example to my posts on various modes of transportation in China (two on this blog here and here, and another here as a guest on James Fallows' blog).

While traveling between some of the villages in Xizhou, Yunnan I made use of this form of transportation:

view of road ahead while sitting on a horse cart

As I rode the "horse cart taxi", I saw that numerous local people were also using them to get around. I particularly enjoyed this mode of transportation as there was no apparent pollution -- at least during my ride.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ai Weiwei: A Chinese Artist With Real Problems

Several days ago, to celebrate the April 1 holiday I wrote a post about a Chinese artist.  In it I refer to the very real challenges faced by the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.  Not long after my post, I discovered that Ai Weiwei had been detained in China prior to boarding a flight from Beijing to Hong Kong.  France and Germany have already called for his release and others are voicing their concern in other ways -- for example an architect refusing to take any additional commissions in China until Ai Weiwei is released. 

I will very soon be back to posting regularly and will comment more on Ai Weiwei's predicament and related issues.  I feel that China being so concerned about an artist speaks volumes.  Unfortunately for Ai Weiwei and others like him, China is not playing an April Fool's joke.

Friday, April 1, 2011

China's Great Firewall Inspires a Chinese Artist

I've been posting quite a bit on China's Great Firewall and related issues (most recent post here).  The Great Firewall has had much impact in China, not the least on artists.

In Handan, Hebei a local artist unveiled a piece of art in a public park to express his views on the Great Firewall:

bench straddling a concrete square border with dirt in the center

The artist described the piece to me:
"The concrete square represents the Great Firewall encircling a China that is still building.  The bench represents those breaking through the Great Firewall by thinking outside of the box.  And not least, the bricks which are mostly outside of the square represent the ideas for building a better China that remain out of the reach of many because of the Great Firewall and other policies of the Chinese Government."
I'm glad I was able to speak to the artist.  Otherwise I'd be bewildered as to how something that appears to be so "wrong" could be constructed.  I'm sure you can find additional symbolism in the piece.

That such a display of art was in a public park came at a great surprise to me.  I'd be worried there could be undesirable repercussions for the artist, such as those apparently faced by Ai Weiwei (see here).  Maybe for this reason the artist, Hei Pofu, said it would only be displayed as above for today.

[Additional Info:  Since time has passed, please note the special date of the post.]

China Scenes: Quanzhou, Fujian

Finally made it to somewhere with a manageable Internet connection.  By middle of next week I should be back up to regular speed for posting.

Today, I'll share some photos from Quanzhou, Fujian.  Quanzhou is across the water from Taiwan and its administrative area has a population reportedly of 7-8 million.  I'd argue that some Chinese cities' administrative areas are more similar to counties in the US and that population numbers in China can be "fuzzy", but those are topics for another day.  Regardless, Quanzhou has plenty of people and here are glimpses of into some of their lives:

Shopping street

Street/Sidewalk Market


Which catches your attention more?  An iPhone 4 car?

Or a Counter-Strike car?

Families at a park

Baby bottles on poles & fish?

fish sucking food from a baby bottle
A fun way for kids to feed the fish

Two girls working at a mobile phone shop

Small lake in the city center

College student playing her violin outside to take a break

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More on Dairy Queen Inspirations in China

I'm currently having problems accessing the Internet freely and can only connect intermittently.  However, I am not sure that is due to a poor connection in my temporary remote location or Great Firewall issues.  I'll do a quick post while I'm connected.

Previously, I wrote about a Dairy Queen in Guiyang and its neighbor with a remarkably similar name, DU.  However, there exists another example of Dairy Queen's apparent influence in China.  See here:

Mango Queen store

I saw this Mango Queen last fall in a large central shopping district in Tianjin.  At least it may offer an alternative for those who have been to DQ, or DU, too often.

Monday, March 28, 2011

China Scenes: Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang

I'm still working on some potential material regarding China's Great Firewall (previous post: What Google, Baidu, and Sogou Results for "Witopia" Say About China's Great Firewall).  For what it's worth, I have not been personally affected by any changes during the past week.  So far, the adjustments I'm using are holding up fine.

This next week or so I may not be able to post as regularly due to once again being in "remote" locations in China.  After that, there is much I am planning to share and it should be smoother sailing.  Though, with the Great Firewall between me and this blog one can never be sure.

For now, below are photos from yet another city in China that sees relatively few foreigners, Mudanjiang in Heilongjiang Province.  It's best known for the beautiful nature nearby, but instead I'll share some scenes from the city center to give a small taste of Mudanjiang life.

people selling items on a shopping street
Shopping district

Newer section of shopping district

food cart with Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer umbrella
Street food with an American touch

large open gate with a colorful tiled walkway through it
A gateway to a colorful Oz?

No, to a place dedicated for wedding photography

wedding bed set on a platform in a lake
Another scene for wedding photos

A crowd listening to a variety of people sing at a riverside park

Mudanjiang River

A college student with an Elmo backpack

A college couple taking a walk

Friday, March 25, 2011

What Google, Baidu, and Sogou Results for "Witopia" Say About China's Great Firewall

Previously, I wrote that some cheap/free services openly distributed online in China for gaining access to an uncensored Internet were not apparently impacted by the recent expansion of China's Great Firewall (see here for who was affected and here for comments on the timing).  I also suggested the possibility that they were spared because they allowed China to maintain a degree of monitoring (see here).

There is one particularly intriguing candidate for a program that the Chinese Government may have wanted to spare.  It is called "Witopia" -- not the Witopia based in the US but a "copycat" program being distributed in China with the same name.  At least one person familiar with VPN services (I'll withhold their name unless I can be sure it is OK to share) has said it doesn't appear to be encrypting data -- a significant and striking failing for a VPN (again, for how VPNs and the Great Firewall work see here).

Is there any evidence the flawed fake Witopia is being promoted in China?

Today, I checked Baidu (Google's main competitor in China), Sogou (another search web site in China), and Google China's search service.  I conducted a search for "Witopia".

You can see a capture of the full first page of a search for "Witopia" on Baidu here (click to see a larger version):

Baidu results page for a search on Witopia

Here is today's first page for a similar search on Sogou:

Sogou results page for a search on Witopia

And finally, on Google China:

Google results page for a search on Witopia

Yes, those are really 3 different search web sites.  I'll save a discussion of Copyright/Trademark issues for another day (if you can't wait... for a potential Dairy Queen example in China see here and for a "Google Hotel" example in Vietnam see here).

Of relevance to the current topic, Baidu didn't return the legitimate Witopia web site in even the first 100 results.  Based on a search for "" I strongly suspect it was not there at all.  Likewise, on Sogou the real Witopia web site did not appear.  However, on both sites there were numerous links to apparently fake versions of Witopia.

Google China was the only one of the three sites readily displaying the real Witopia site -- in fact it is the very first link.  This page was not being blocked by the Great Firewall (however, the Great Firewall would block any attempts to actually access the Witopia site).

It is not particularly surprising that Baidu and Sogou apparently don't include the real Witopia web site in their search results since the Witopia site itself is blocked in China and the Great Firewall's recent expansion impacted Witopia's services.

However, it is notable that numerous links for apparently fake copies of "Witopia" remain on Baidu and Sogou.  Why show them if they work as advertised and China wants to stop people from getting through the Great Firewall?  The programs are obviously not hidden from view and are being heavily promoted on Chinese web sites.

Again, as I mentioned above it is possible the Chinese Government wants the fake Witopias to be used because of their "flaws" (such as a lack of encryption) that enable some sort of monitoring.  It may be for this reason they remain clearly displayed on Chinese web sites that have taken the trouble to remove the real Witopia web site.

I'm in the midst of some other explorations on this and related topics.  More may come soon.

Additional notes:

1.  The real Witopia site was listed first on the Microsoft Bing site for China as well (and the page was not censored).  There are some subtle twists in how Bing censors for searches in China/Chinese so I'm not yet comfortable interpretting my results (see here under "Regional censorship" and "Censorship in China").  For that reason I left it out of the above examples.

2.  I have not tested the fake versions of Witopia or other "VPNs" apparently developed in China.  I don't have a spare computer and I don't feel safe putting them on a computer with my work/personal information.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Street Farming" in Luoyang, Henan

One day while I was walking down a street in Luoyang, Henan I saw an example of what I'll call "street farming".

First, I noticed a man on the street holding a very long pole:

man aiming a long pole high into a tree

I looked closer and saw he was trying to snag some fruit:

net at end of pole about to snag some round fruit high in the tree

Once he was able to pick off a fruit his street farming partner helped take it out of the net:

And then she added it to their fruit collection:

woman adding newly collect fruit to a nearly full bag

From my experience this is not at all typical.  But maybe it isn't very different from going to the woods to collect blackberries.  Regardless, I'm happy to see the fruit isn't going to waste.  Nothing deep here other than some people in China can be very resourceful -- no matter the environment.