One time in the U.S. when I mentioned I had been to Taiwan, a person I was speaking to replied, "Oh, I LOVE Thai food!"
After a brief brain freeze, I explained that Thai food is Thailand's cuisine and Taiwan's cuisine would be described as Taiwanese. The person was clearly embarrassed, although I explained I thought it was understandable and suspected many others could make a similar mistake.
Despite my familiarity with this potential confusion in English between Taiwan and Thailand, I was still rather surprised to see several recent tweets including this photo of a newspaper page (
earliest source I found):
The article headline "Government overthrown in Taiwan as military stages bloodless coup" contains a not-so-minor mistake. As the AP article below correctly states, the coup was actually in Thailand.
Text indicates the newspaper page is from
According to Metro, it is "Canada’s most read national daily newspaper brand". The error is not a photoshop trick and appears to be specific to
Metro's Vancouver edition (HT to Chou Peifen for this point--
article in Chinese). Here is a recent screenshot I took from the
Metro Vancouver weekend May 23-25 print edition currently available online:
Other Canadian
Metro editions I have seen do not contain the error. For example, here is a screenshot from
Metro Toronto of a page with the same AP article :
So, to be clear, Taiwan is not the home of pad thai or tom yam goong, and the Taiwanese military has kindly refrained from overthrowing its democratically elected government. I recommend the
Vancouver Metro staff take a visit to Taiwan. If I am there at the same time, I would be happy to treat them to some of
Taiwan's many delicious local specialities. Afterwards, they should be less likely to ever confuse it with Thailand.
UPDATE: See the new post with
more reaction and a correction from Metro Vancouver.