While walking through the alleys and streets of Jieyang's old town in Rongcheng last month, I came across multiple copies of the same sign. Somebody had lost their two-month-old puppy, and they were hoping others could help them find it.
In most of China few dedicated resources and organizations that could help reunite a dog with its owner exist. And dogs here face a potential fate uncommon in much of the rest of the world. In Jieyang it could come in the form of a simmering hotpot.
Losing a pet is difficult no matter one's location, though. I don't know how things turned out for this dog, but the numerous signs show somebody tried hard to find a happy ending.
In most of China few dedicated resources and organizations that could help reunite a dog with its owner exist. And dogs here face a potential fate uncommon in much of the rest of the world. In Jieyang it could come in the form of a simmering hotpot.
Losing a pet is difficult no matter one's location, though. I don't know how things turned out for this dog, but the numerous signs show somebody tried hard to find a happy ending.